Play the Violin
online violin lessons, video tutorials and blog postsfor learning and loving the violin
Hi, I’m Zlata
your online violin teacher
Play the Violin
online violin lessons, video tutorials and blogfor learning and loving the violin
Hi, I’m Zlata
your online violin teacher

FREE Online Violin Lessons
Learn How to Play the Violin Online
#1 Beginner Violin Lesson
Start Playing the Violin
Violin teacher Zlata made a 40 lesson violin course with the exact steps you need to learn as a beginner violinist to learn to play the violin beautifully. All the 40 violin video lessons, the beginner book, the etude books, the easy concertos and more sheet music are TOTALLY FREE.
#1 Intermediate Violin Lesson
How to Bow Smoothly on the Violin
This violin lesson is all about learning to make a beautiful sound on the violin by learning a flexible bow hold, the bow arm mechanics and what all great soloists have in common when it comes to bowing. I show it close up and slow motion, so you can instantly improve your violin bowing.
#1 Advanced Violin Lesson
ALL 102 Violin Bowing Techniques & Terms
Learn all about detaché, martelé, staccato, spiccato, ricochet, martelé and more bowing techniques and terms you’ve heard about in this violin lesson. There are over 100 examples of famous violinists, sheet music notation and how to play these techniques yourself. Learn the tools of music expression!
Violin Blog
Most beautiful violin music, easy guides and tutorials to help you play the violin better
You are NOT Allowed to do THIS on the Violin
Where do the rules about violin hold, bow hold and other technique come from and should you follow when they don’t work for you?
What to Play When Buying a Violin Bow?
How to try out violin bows and find your ideal bow? In this article you’ll learn how to discover the differences and the exact phrases I play:
Violin Self Study Tips: Learn to Play the Violin Fast
Can you teach yourself how to play the violin?
Can you learn to play the violin without a teacher?
Look, whether you have a teacher or not: in violin playing we’re ALL self taught. Here are some tips:
How to Play Viola as a Violinist?
With almost the same playing technique as your violin, you can easily pick up a deep and warm sounding instrument: the viola!
Different Types of Violins
What kind of violin is the best choice for you?
In this article I describe the different types of violins and related instruments
History of the Violin
How did the violin you have in your hands today evolve through the ages? The violin was first made in early 16th century Italy. Read it’s history here:
Free Violin Tools
Learn to play the violin faster and practice better with our tuner and metronome
Violin Tuner
Tune your violin easily and correctly with my free online violin tuner with microphone and tuning notes.
Practice effectively with my free online metronome. It has subdivisions and a visual needle.
Improve your violin playing with my FREE online violin lessons
1.000+ FREE violin video tutorials
FREE Violin Lesson #35 FIRST MINOR SCALE B minor 2 octaves
Minor scale tutorial for beginner violinists.
I cover some music theory about the difference between major and minor and how to play it:
FREE Violin Lesson #34 Küchler EASY CONCERTINO op 11 3rd movement
Let’s play this fast 3rd movement of Küchler concertino op 11. Watch the video tutorial, download the free sheet music and violin tabs:
Vibrato and Double Stops in Bach’s Chaconne (major part) | Violin Lounge TV #412
Practice tips for vibrato and a consistent sound in the major part of Chaconne from partita no 2 for solo violin BWV 1004 by JS Bach
FREE Violin Lesson #33 Bowing Exercises for Küchler op 11 3rd movement
Learn a dotted rhythm, preliminary spiccato, and double stops with these bowing exercises for beginner violinists:
Play SEMITONES with the PINKY in Tune on the Violin | Violin Lounge TV #411
Violin lesson about playing a semitone from the high third finger to the fourth finger in tune in the first position and higher:
FREE Violin Lesson #32 Minuet in G Major by JS Bach SLOW play along + tutorial
Enjoy my slow play alongs and tutorial for this G major Minuet by Bach we all know from Suzuki book 1 as Minuet no 3:
Free Violin Sheet Music
Learn to play your favorite music on the violin
107 Intermediate Violin Concertos
FREE violin sheet music downloads of the most beautiful intermediate violin concertos and concertinos to improve your violin technique, intonation and bowing. 38 of them are suitable for beginners.
FREE Violin Scale Book
Sensational Scales is a FREE 85 page violin scale book that goes from simple beginner scales with finger charts all the way to all three octave scales and arpeggios:
Violin Finger Chart
PDF Downloadable poster with the exact spots of ALL notes on the violin. You’ll also learn how to read them in violin sheet music and connect them to how they should sound. Can’t miss in your violin practice room!