VIOLIN G STRING LESSON: Get a beautiful sound, a good vibrato and reach all notes | Violin Lounge TV #373
Do you struggle with reaching all notes and getting a good tone from the G string?
Watch this video:
Video content:
00:48 Bow arm position for a deep tone, so you work with your bow instead of against it and have a natural position for your right arm.
04:36 Help your bow arm with your violin hold. Learn more about violin hold and posture in this video lesson!
05:33 4th finger hacks in the first position: how to easily reach all notes, even if your pinky is short.
07:35 Position shifting on the G string
09:40 Beautiful sound exercise to get the best from your violin and bow on the G string
13:29 Vibrato on the G string, what’s different? Plus a great exercise to improve your vibrato.
16:34 Vibrato in high positions
Learn a Beautiful Vibrato on the Violin
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Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
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Thank you. 🙂 That is really useful. I will keep coming back to it. I just bought two new music books: Team Strings 2 and Fiddle Time Scales 2. I do benefit from the way you show the positions of your shoulders, arms, hand and fingers as well as the bow and violin. Your delivery of the teaching video is great too. I am off to watch myself play full string notes.
I’m glad it’s helpful, Carol!
Very helpful for me as a new beginner. I’m trying to get out of bad habits with my hold. I can’t get my left hand off resting my palm on the fingerboard for support. Any suggestions for that?
Perhaps my video on violin posture is helpful?
Thank you Zlata! I am a relative beginner who is getting so much out of your lessons. I appreciate the clarity of detail and explanations. I have learnt so much by watching this video regarding correct positions (hands, arm, shoulder positions) and in particular information and demonstrations of differences regarding bow speed and pressure/use of index finger etc. You raise my awareness which is so critical for making improvement/ changes possible. Thanks again!
I’m glad it’s helpful, Ruth, congrats on your insights!
Thanks Zlata, I love the way you explain difficult matter so cheerful and “simple”.
I am going to try this also on my alt violin.
Happy practicing, Marieke, I’m glad it’s helpful!
Zlata I particularly liked the way you demonstrated your left arm rotation, under and almost around the violin, to enable reaching third and especially fourth finger notes. it almost seemed to be an exaggeration at first, especially for 5th and higher positions, but you clearly show how well it works. Once we can comfortably reach these notes, and play them in tune, and get the g-string tone to what it should be, then we can go through the fun of working on vibrato. For bowing, raising the right shoulder is not only uncomfortable and painful, but it doesn’t help the tone at all, and makes it more difficult to produce a good resonating sound. This G-string lesson is packed with good details and demonstrations. I think it is necessary to write down the steps in the order you gave them to us, as we will forget too many little but important items otherwise. It will take careful practice and reviews to get all these issues working right and working together… Likely even longer than it took you to put all this wonderful information in this 19 minute video… Seriously you concentrated hours of lessons into this video.
Great to read that, John! It was a lot to cover, haha!