What’s the Highest Note on the Violin | Violin Lounge TV #366

by | May 20, 2020 | Play in Tune, Position Play | 4 comments

Can you find the five different As on the violin?

The highest note on the violin is the A7, which is four octaves above the A3 – the first finger on the G string

Can you hit the 5 different A notes on the violin?

In the video I show you an exercise to discover the notes on the violin, even if you are new to position playing.

Just give it a try!

To get to know ALL notes on the violin, where to find them and how they sound, download my free violin fingering chart right here!


  1. John Norton

    Zlata you “woke me up” with this video. I read 5 A’s instead of 5 different A’s. And I thought there is only one A3. on the G-string. 3 A4’s can be played on the G, D, and open A strings. 4 A5’s if we squeeze one onto the G-string. But with only 4 strings we can’t get 5, unless we cheat and count harmonics. What does Zlata have in mind now? Well the video cleared up my confusion immediately. I have played the G7, but never attempted the A7 before. So that means there are 3 4-octave scales available… as long as we stay on the fingerboard. I do recall seeing a Vivaldi violin concerto where the fingers did go beyond the fingerboard, but it may have been a baroque instrument which has a shorter fingerboard. Now I’ll have to look back at and check since you stirred up my curiosity. You and your family keep safe. Your videos are always welcome.

    Hugs from across the Atlantic… John

    • Violinist Zlata Brouwer

      Haha, great, John! Actually I’m working on a scale course right now including 4 octave scales up to Bb major. Hmmm, no, Vivaldi definitely doesn’t go beyond the modern fingerboard, which wasn’t around in his days, so it must have been a baroque fingerboard and they came in different sizes. Hugs from Holland, Zlata

  2. earthling

    Deareat Zlata…I am so grateful for your presence online. This was such a simple yet interesting video…connecting with the notes…hmmm…
    I managed to get to 4 A’s but the 5th one is really tricky…haha..i got a weird sound though…i will keep trying…maybe i should try playing the scales until the A7?
    i am still only familiar with 5 positions on the violin..
    i enjoy your wonderful energy and generosity in sharing your knowledge of violin playing with the world..
    I am sending loads of love and light your way and to your family…and all those around you in that part of the planet!!
    Thank you Zlata!!
    in solidarity with Music

    • Violinist Zlata Brouwer

      Thank you for your kind words, Earthling, wishing you all the best as well for you and yours! The trick is to put down the finger very firmly and yes, it’s possible to study 4 octave scales up to Bb major.


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