Seamless BOW CHANGES on the VIOLIN: Do’s and Don’ts | Violin Lounge TV #382
Practice tips, common mistakes and tricks to make silent bow changes and get a great sound on the violin:
In this violin lesson you learn all about bowing smoothly:
- Exact movements in your wrist and fingers to ensure smooth bowing
- 2 ways seamless bow changes are taught and why they confuse you
- Franco Belgian bow hold vs Russian bow hold
- A mistake lots of players make when it comes to bowing and what holds them back without knowing
- How to practice this, so you can get a great result!
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Improve your violin bowing technique
Enjoy my FREE mini Masterclass 5 Bowing Secrets to Create a Professional Sound on the Violin

Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
More resources on smooth bowing:
- 3 Exercises to automate smooth and straight bowing
- Secret to Silent Bow Changes
- 5 Tips to Bow Smoothly
- Jellyfish bowing
Let me know your biggest takeaway from this video in the comments below!
- Three Eights of Smooth Bowing and a Beautiful Violin Sound - Join my experiment! | Violin Lounge TV #389 - Violin Lounge - […] Watch my video on seamless bow changes, in which I cover the finger action that I quickly mention in…
- FREE Violin Lesson #7 for Beginners | STRING CROSSING - Violin Lounge - […] Dive deeper into this topic with this video lesson on seamless bow changes. […]
I would say that the explanation was great.
I didn’t previously understand the movement right at the bow change.
I’m still having 50% crunch at frog change..,,so I can move forward a bit more now
Great to read that, Paul!
Thank you teacher Zlata for the lessons I appreciate it
Urmm…Im not so familiar with some of pieces and I’ll really love to play them please what should I do?
At what level are you playing? Maybe I can point you in the right direction?
dankje wel Zlata!! Beetje gek dat in de vertaling wordt gesproken over “positie”wisseling ipv. snaar wisseling 🙂
ik ga het even uitproberen!!
p.s. waar ik het meeste moeite mee heb: spelen van snelle korte nootjes !! bijv. de snelle nootjes in het scherzo van Schubert 6e symfonie, maar ja, dat zal wel een kwestie zijn van héél véél oefenen ……….:-)
groetjes Judith
Graag gedaan, Judith, bedoel je de ondertiteling die YouTube automatisch maakt? Die slaat inderdaad vaak helemaal nergens op, haha! Ik heb een video met wat studietips voor snelle nootjes: Laat maar weten of je daar wat aan hebt.
I’m sorry. I’m like Victor and need to practice more. I resolve to do better when I return home next month. Am in Arkansas caring for my Aunt (97)
Awesome, have fun on your trip!