What is Position Play??? Some Basics…

What is Position Play??? Some Basics…

Violin Lounge TV Q&A about the basics of positions: “Hello, Its me Valyncia McNeil with, yet another question. Since I am teaching myself to play the violin. I would like to know the meanings of 1st position, 2nd position and 3rd position. What does it look...
Collé violin bow stroke explained + 3 exercises

Collé violin bow stroke explained + 3 exercises

Collé violin bow stroke explained + 3 exercises What is collé bowing on the violin? Collé is a technique where the fingers and wrist make a circular motion resulting in an active, off-the-string bow stroke with a firm sound. It most frequently done near the frog....
Top 20 Violin and Cello Duets

Top 20 Violin and Cello Duets

Top 20 Violin and Cello Duets Discover the most beautiful pieces for violin and cello duo They are ranked from easy to hard, so there’s something for everyone In the world of string instrument chamber music, standard combinations like string quartets or piano...