How to Play Amazing Grace on Violin: EASY Beginner Tutorial | Violin Lounge TV #330
This is the easiest Amazing Grace violin tutorial out there! You just need two fingers and reading notes is not required. Watch the video lesson:
In this video I’m going to teach you the easiest Amazing Grace violin tutorial out there!
Be sure to sign up on the right if you want to receive my sheet music so we are working with the same version.
BUT if you can’t read sheet music, no problem! You can still follow along with this tutorial.
In case you are looking for a challenge …
When you sign up to receive my free sheet music, you will not only receive this beginner sheet music used in this video but will also receive Amazing Grace sheet music that I wrote.
So if you can play in positions and do a bit of vibrato, you may prefer the more advanced version!
Get your sheet music:

Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
What did you think? Were you able to manage to play this piece without issue?
If you need clarity on something, please drop a question in the comments below!
- FREE Violin Lesson #10 for Beginners | FOURTH FINGER - Violin Lounge - […] learn to play Amazing Grace, which you can follow along if you’ve finished the lesson above. Click here for…
Easy though pretty. But the group I would play this with does it in D, so I have to move up a string to use the same fingerings and bowings, and it is not so nice
Hmmm, too bad, but you can play this version for yourself :). What’s the next piece you’d like to learn on the violin, JD?
Yay, so good to read that, Laurel, what’s the next piece you’d like to learn on the violin?
Hlo zlata.Beautiful.I played along with your video.Pretty easy,but i would love to try your sheet music along with my sister on mandolin.I can’t wait to hear your version.
How wonderful that you’re playing this together with your sister! (I hope my twins will pick up a musical instrument and play together in the future as well) Stay tuned for the tutorial on my version :).
Wonderful.i’m sure they will play.i’m looking foward to your tutorial.i love that hymn.thank you zlata for sharing.
Happy playing :).
Fabulous detailed tutorial!
Thank you, Laura, what’s the next piece you’d like to learn?
Thank you so much, Zlata! I have played Amazing grace two years ago as second violin.
I really love your version.
You are wonderful teacher and also the sweetest mommy….❤️Giuseppina
Thank you so much for that beautiful compliment, Giuseppina.
Have just finished lesson 10 of your very useful beginner course. This seems just right for my level. The skur from B to G will need quite some practise before I can do it smoothly.
Wonderful, Niels!
I don’t have tweet. But have a printer to copy song.I do know notes.
Great, Pamela, how are you doing playing this song?
Thank you for the sheet music Zlata! I liked the advanced version with a couple little “wrinkles” I haven’t been accustomed to in this piece. My vibrato is pretty sad yet so I have serious work to do there…more time, much more practice!
Thank you for your videos on these assorted pieces. I liked “Meditation” the best so far. For another video I would like to suggest “The Swan” by Saint-Siens.
Thank you, David! I’m glad you like the advanced version as well. A tutorial video for that one will be published later. The Swan… good choice! Would you like to see a tutorial for violin or viola, like I play here?
I would prefer the violin as it is my taskmaster and I love it.
Ok, taking note of it, David :).
I am a total beginner, (just rented a violin two days ago) and yet with the help of Zlata’s excellent video and the sheet music, I was able to play this (in a very amateur manner of course). I don’t even read music, but together with the video it was quite easy to figure it out. A big thrill for someone is just beginning – thanks Zlata!
Yay, congrats on playing this piece Naomi! Awesome job! Also check out my free beginner course right here.
Nice presentation my dear Zlata. I have played this piece many times on many instruments in many keys over the years, but never on a violin before. You also make this an excellent ear training piece. Forget tonic and dominant, forget Do, Re. Mi… just think the numbers 1 through 7, or 8 for the key octave). Then we do the pickup D as 5 (yes the dominant) and go to one (the tonic or key note G), to three (we now have played the G major cord notes). So we think “5-1..3-1-3..2-1..6-5..” and the first phrase is done. This way we can also start on the A-string and play it in D as noted by an earlier comment. But I always found that by thinking this way, I could picture the notes in my head without having to remember any note names, and, it works in any major key. So, now try it in C major by starting on the open G-string. This may also make it easier for some of us who may not be used to music notation. And, the fingering pattern is identical for all three of these keys. And again. This will work equally well on viola or even the cello. But you also teach us a very good use of the bow to play this correctly, and that is indeed most important if we are to play it correctly, and your help there is very much appreciated. Your videos always give me something good to think about and I thank you for it.
You are totally right, John, thanks for putting this here so it’s useful for others. The relative do-re-mi works so much better than the CDE system. I had a lot of Spanish fellow students at the conservatory who were trained in this and it made their life a lot easier. They could sing Mendelssohn concerto in relative do-re-mi without thinking. It makes it possible to transpose without problems.
Thank you for this! I’m going to play it in church and you are giving me alot of confidence about playing it well.
Wonderful! Enjoy!
I enjoy playing the beginner’s version and will try the more advanced one as soon as I am happy with my playing.
I’ll also try to sing along.
Thank you for this tutorial.
Great, Eliane! What’s the next piece you’d like to learn?
I really like playing this piece. The easier one is better for me as of now. I have tried the harder version but that will take some time to perfect.
Thank you Zlata
Great, Lori, what’s the next piece you’d like to learn on the violin?
How would you use double stops for this song?
You can definitely add a third here and there :).
Thank you very much for the video with image and sound and explanation, as well as for the sheet music.
Moreover, thank you very much for “all your interesting videos” that contribute to playing the violin.
José uit Roeselare (België).
I’m happy it’s all useful to you, José!
Excellent video showing some really important aspects of bowing to avoid running out of bowing space on longer notes. Going to have a go at this one tomorrow as short of time right now but have watched it several times and should remember the key points.
Great, happy practicing!
Thank You, Zlata, for this video and for the sheet music. It is great to have this in an easy version to have my neice learn and then in a little more advanced form so that it would challenge me in learning more of the technique of going into other positions. I have struggled some with moving into other positions and this has given me a boost in this area.
Glad you like it, Allie, happy playing!
Love the violin lounge t shirt, where can I get one of those?
Right here!
I am such a beginner, I am just learning to read music, my biggest problem seems to be reading the notes but finding the melody as I go. Sometimes it just seems a series of notes. (and trying to find the right notes on the violin too.) Can you do Ode to Joy for us?
Yes, it’s included in my free beginner course right here!