DAY IN THE LIFE of a Musician Mom of 3 Kids under 2 Years Old | Violin Lounge TV #433
Go with me to the petting zoo, get some work done and practice in my full day as a violinist mom of three kids under the age of two
Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
It’s been a looooong time since I made a vlog. Last week I was planning to record a tutorial, but the weather was too beautiful to stay inside, so I decided to shoot a ‘day in the life’ video. You’ll join me and my kids to the petting zoo, practice with me, get some work done and see our family dinner. Hope you enjoy this peek into my daily life.
For me it has been a year long search to design my work and business to my personality and lifestyle. If you know an overwhelmed mom or simply someone searching for their ideal work, even if it’s not a violin player, make sure to share this video for inspiration.
Make sure to also watch my ‘week in the life’ video from when the twins Louise and Victor were just three months old.
Thank you for sharing this. I absolutely LOVE how you are introducing the twins to playing the violin at such a young age!! I wish I had been encouraged from such a young age. Most of all, thank you for sharing your knowledge and skills with us despite having such a busy day raising 3 small children. I am 73 years old and took up the violin at the age of 62 after a 50+ year absence. Can you share with me the passages you were practicing? I need to improve playing fast, long runs of notes, particularly when bowing across strings and I would love to use what you were playing to practice. Thank you again for all that you do.
All the snippets were from Vivaldi’s Autumn. I’ll share more about that soon :).
This is a great video! Thank you for the peek into your daily life, and reflections on our individual gifts.
Glad you like it, Susan!
This is a beautiful video, Zlata! So lovely to see you and your family, and a little of your day. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂
Thank you for watching, Elly 🙂
Hi Zlata. What a beautiful little kids you have! I see that you and your family live in the same neighbourhood and the same kind of house where I lived for twenty years. Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful, Henske, a ‘drive in’ house like this is ideal for working at home.
Wow, such quality of life. I am longing to learn how to bow with your program, and too have a quality of life! Thanks for sharing your beautiful day. Your family is amazing too!
Wonderful, thank you, Sonya 🙂
Allereerst respect en petje af! Wauw Zlata… Geweldig hoe jij je vioolspelen, je oefenen, je werk, je kinderen en het huishouden in balans hebt! Super! En bedankt ook voor deze prachtige video! Ik zag zoveel herkenbaars (want je woont nu heel dichtbij waar ik gewoond heb) dat ik me weer wat prettiger voel (ik mis mijn bekende omgeving enorm, vandaar dat ik zo blij ben dat jij op de fiets de route reed die ik zo vaak gereden heb!) Nogmaals super bedankt dat je dit hebt willen delen en geniet maar van je gezin, je mooie huis, je muziek en je werk! Veel liefs uit Vaassen
Dankjewel, Rebekka, ik hoop dat je al gesetteld bent in je nieuwe woonplaats. Wij wonen inderdaad bij jullie oude adres om de hoek :).
It was a most enjoyable video. Thank you for sharing your life and your views. I so agree with teaching children how unique they are and that whatever they do will be a contribution to the world. Your children have a lovely balanced life and are fortunate to have someone who introduces them to music at such an early age. Congratulations to you for reworking your life to make it more fulfilling for yourself. Many people just stay stuck and are too afraid to change things.
Indeed, Diane, thanks for watching and I’m happy you liked it!
Beautiful video!!
Thank you, Jeanne!
Thank you Zlata, for sharing your day. I think you are amazing and the children are growing so beautifully. Thanks for sharing your practice sessions, it actually gave me inspiration to practice this minute.
Wonderful, Marguerite!
I enjoyed your video, it made me smile, you and your lovely family, you are so blessed,
I’m happy you enjoyed it, Sandra 🙂