Jul 22, 2016 | Learn Vibrato
You can do these silent vibrato exercises on the road and on holiday. You can practice your vibrato wherever and whenever you want without your violin and without making sound. I know lots of students have a hard time scheduling their practice sessions, so it’s...
Jun 22, 2016 | Learn Vibrato
This episode is how to do vibrato with your first finger on the violin. I’ve already made quite some general videos about vibrato (click here), a specific video about fourth finger vibrato (click here) and even a complete video course ‘Free your...
Mar 8, 2016 | Learn Vibrato
There are many ways to learn vibrato and most of them work. The key is to do a lot of them consistently to develop a good vibrato. Vibrato is considered the holy grail by a lot of violin learners and this video is about one of the things that can help you get it. If...
Dec 10, 2014 | Learn Vibrato
This video is about how to practice your vibrato without moving your violin or viola. Lots of people can’t wait to learn vibrato, because it makes your tone so much more beautiful than without. Once you have learned vibrato it’s easy breezy, but to learn vibrato is...
Nov 27, 2014 | Learn Vibrato
Bernard writes… “I can use my pinky pretty confidently, but I have to avoid it on longer notes. Sometimes I have trouble getting a pretty vibrato sound with my fourth finger. It’s odd, because sometimes I get a good vibrato, but sometimes it sounds dead. Could...