Aug 21, 2014 | Play Comfortably
In this episode of Violin Lounge TV I answer a question from a viewer. Mike Pearson writes as a comment on my video ‘What to do if your shoulder hurts when playing on the G string’: How important is it to rotate your shoulder forward when playing on the G...
Jul 31, 2014 | Play Comfortably
Play Comfortably This episode of Violin Lounge TV is about the pain your can experience when you ‘twist’ your arm around the violin. People try to twist their arm to reach the positions on the string with your fingers. I’ve received a very vulnerable e-mail from Dot....
Feb 12, 2014 | Play Comfortably
Holding your violin comfortably when you have a long neck Holding your violin comfortably when you have a long neck Our viewer Phung asks: “I’ve played the violin for 3 years and I’ve never felt comfortable when holding my violin. I have a long neck and a thin body...
Dec 18, 2013 | Play Comfortably
Do you have pain in you shoulder when you are playing on the G string on the violin a lot (C string in case you play the viola)? Why does my shoulder hurt? Lifting the shoulder String changes should be done by moving the elbow and upper arm up and down. The...
Nov 29, 2013 | Play Comfortably
Harold asks: My left thumb hurts after playing. Especially with the viola. What should I do? I’ve been playing violin for almost 2 years and viola for six months. In this video I will share 4 tips to solve this issue and play without pain: 1) Check the size of...