Jun 16, 2015 | Play Comfortably
Should you ALWAYS stand up straight when practicing the violin or viola? Is it bad to practice sitting down? Lots of teachers tell their students to always stand while playing and not sit down. I’m one of them. The reason for me isn’t that it’s impossible to sit...
May 13, 2015 | Bowing Technique, Play Comfortably
Can you have your elbow or shoulder too low when playing the violin or viola? In this episode I’m answering a question of one of our viewers. Nicola writes… Hi Ms. Zlata! Can i ask something?Is there such thing as OVER-DROPPING my elbow or shoulder?Or rather the...
Apr 3, 2015 | Play Comfortably
How To Hold Your Arm (left and right) when Playing on the G String In this episode I’m answering a question from one of my viewers. I’m Thiago, 31 years old and from Rio de Janeiro – Brazil, I play the violin for about 5 months. My question is about playing on...
Aug 21, 2014 | Play Comfortably
In this episode of Violin Lounge TV I answer a question from a viewer. Mike Pearson writes as a comment on my video ‘What to do if your shoulder hurts when playing on the G string’: How important is it to rotate your shoulder forward when playing on the G...
Jul 31, 2014 | Play Comfortably
Play Comfortably This episode of Violin Lounge TV is about the pain your can experience when you ‘twist’ your arm around the violin. People try to twist their arm to reach the positions on the string with your fingers. I’ve received a very vulnerable e-mail from Dot....