How to Play Schindler’s List Violin Solo Theme by John Williams | Violin Lounge TV #352

by | Feb 19, 2020 | Repertoire | 9 comments

Complete tutorial with special attention for handy and beautiful fingerings, bow technique and expressing the right mood in this beautiful violin music

Hi! I'm Zlata

Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.

Schindler’s List violin solo really is my favorite movie music!

The performance by Itzhak Perlman, for whom it’s written, is SO inspiring. You must have seen it. My pianist Mari and I did a modest attempt at recording this piece in this performance video.

You might have already tried playing it, but lots of students find it hard to capture the right mood and give the piece the right expression. With the bowings and fingerings I recommend in this complete tutorial video, you’ll learn to play this piece with feeling.

This is more of an advanced piece that requires position play, but as a beginning violinist you can play the first page in the first position.

Please understand that I can’t share the sheet music with my notes for copyright reasons, but I recommend this version:

Did you enjoy playing this piece? If you have questions, leave a comment below!


  1. John McCarthy

    Hi Zlata,
    Thank you, I listened to the performance – excellent. I bought the sheet music. However I understood that you had a tutorial on fingering and advice on playing the piece, but cannot access anything from the web page.

  2. John McCarthy

    Ok Zlata, I found it. Thank you.

  3. Carol Brown

    I can’t afford to buy the music just yet. Wish I could. Thanks for your tutorials. Also I have fighting a bad cold so haven’t felt like practicing. Carol Brown

      • Judith Benjamin

        Amazing! Over four years again and I just found you!
        I’ve played the Theme from Schindler’s List many times but how wonderful to get your perspective, which I greatly appreciated.

  4. Emilie Nissley

    This was very helpful. Thank you!


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