Behind the scenes in my online violin studio | Violin Lounge TV #524
Take a look how I work from home as a violin teacher and mom to five

Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
I run a thriving online violin academy and am a mom to five children under four years old
In my house I have a studio on the ground floor where I have my computer, camera gear and violin set up. This is also where my husband works when he works from home, which is why we have two desks.
I work in the margins of motherhood and love that my business allows me to live a stay at home mom lifestyle. At the same time my work is a break and a creative expression.
Would you like to build an online business as a music teacher and/or mom?
I’d love to help you out and answer all your questions in my micromind starting July 3rd 2023. Check it out right here!
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