Top 6 Adult Beginner Violin Progress Channels on YouTube

Top 6 Adult Beginner Violin Progress Channels on YouTube

Top 6 Adult Beginner Violin Progress Channels on YouTube You are NOT too old to learn violin! Get inspired by these adult beginner violinists who are rocking it on YouTube with their progress on the violin As long as you put in the work and are open to learn,...
Why you should NOT use violin tabs

Why you should NOT use violin tabs

read notes As a beginner violinist violin tabs might seem like a shortcut However, it’s not helpful at all and can get you stuck, here’s why: Violin tabs are are only useful in the first 1% of your violin progress. They are extremely limited. As you...
How Long does it take to Learn to Play Violin?

How Long does it take to Learn to Play Violin?

How Long does it take to Learn to Play Violin? You don’t need to play the most technically demanding classical pieces, but just want to play fun tunes and sound decent. How much time does that cost? You probably heard all the stories about the violin being the...
5 Best Violin Beginner Books

5 Best Violin Beginner Books

When you start playing the violin, you need a good beginner book to teach you the basics, reading notes and your first tunes Yup, I know you want to jump in and start on your favourite violin music right away, but the fastest way to get there is to build up your basic...