10 Levels of VIOLIN CONCERTOS | Violin Lounge TV #426
Violinist Zlata shows different levels of violin playing and the progress you make

Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
Free sheet music of the 10 concertos Zlata plays in the video
Click on the links below to download the sheet music:
- Küchler Concertino op 11 in G Major
- Rieding Concertino op 21 in A Minor
- Bach Violin Concerto in A Minor BWV 1041
- Accolay Violin Concerto in A Minor
- Haydn Violin Concerto no 1 in C Major
- Vivaldi Violin Concerto in G Minor ‘Summer’ part of the famous Four Seasons
- Mozart Violin Concerto no 5 in A Major KV219
- Bruch Violin Concerto op 26 in G Minor
- Brahms Violin Concerto op 77 in D Major
- Paganini Violin Concerto no 2 in B Minor
I’m practicing the Mozart violin Concerto 5 this evening.
Thank you Zlata.
Love that concerto!
Beautiful music! I am not able to play currently—dealing with biceps tendinitis and rotator cuff injury to my right arm/shoulder! Doing everything I can to heal up and return to violin practice. I soooo miss playing. Don’t give up on me, please.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Sarah, take care!
Accolay Concerto
Hello Zlata. What a great and very useful video. Thank you so much.
It would be good if you could, for each concerto, indicate the technical exercises to be done in order to be able to play them. So we would take more pleasure in doing the exercises knowing why we are doing them.
Thank you for what you’re doing.
Great idea!
Bach concerto for 2 violins D minor, bit i have online 4 months of lessons now.
From 05/06/2021 adjusted corona measures in the Netherlands! …. new possibilities!
Art and culture practice is allowed. The practice of art and culture includes, for example, music and painting lessons and rehearsals for dance and drama. However, there are rules. These rules should prevent the risk of infections. The rules depend on whether a person is in amateur or professional practice, the person’s age and location. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/publicaties/2021/05/28/openingsplan-stap-voor-stap-meer-mogelijk
Glad everything is slowly opening up again… I hope it stays that way after the summer.
Good work!
Playing the Mozart Violin Concerto with ease is my goal, hopefully with the beautiful dynamics you create in all of these examples!
Thank you, Kerry, I’m sure you’ll get there 🙂
Still working on the basics but trying to play your simple Amazing Grace, a simple version of Ode to Joy (symp no 9) and a piece I wrote lyrics and music for our 55th anniversary last October. At that time I couldn’t read music and had no idea how to write music but I found the nots I wanted on the piano then figured out what and where to put each note on paper. I named it Always and Forever but later found that name had been used 3 or 4 times for totally different tunes so I think I’ll change the name to It Started In Chicago which is in the first line of my lyrics. On our anniversary, our oldest grandson and I sang as his friend (who started playing piano at 5) played my song on the piano. The family loved even though I didn’t sing well at all. So, I have until October to learn to play it on violin. Wish me luck, better yet pray for a miracle.
Wonderful, Robert, have you already checked out my free beginner course right here?
Hi Zlata, Thanks for this wonderful sampler! I am working on the Bach, but like Sarah above, I am sidelined right now with a broken shoulder (freak car accident caused by an impaired driver). I sure miss my violin practice and am doing everything I can to heal properly. Best wishes in your recovery, Sarah.
Oh dear, wishing you a speedy recovery, Ann Marie!
Are these concertos listed in level of difficulty from easier to hardest?
Yes, however it’s personal what you find difficult as well.