Watch me Practice – Vivaldi Autumn | Violin Lounge TV #439
Join me in my practice room for half an hour to work on the Autumn violin concerto from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons

Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
Unedited, real and raw practice session of a violinist playing Vivaldi Autumn
I hope watching me practice helps you with your own practice routine and inspires you to pick up your violin!
The doors to the Vivaldi Four Seasons online course with concert violinist Antal Zalai are now open! Will you learn alongside me?
Also I’m organizing a virtual orchestra project to play Vivaldi Autumn together. Violin and viola players of all levels from all over the world can join. Already 150 violinists are in. Are you in? Click here to join us! (it’s free)
Ahoj Zlata, ja anglicky veľa neviem, len cez prekladač, tak neviem, ako by sme sa mohli baviť. Ak si, alebo ste s Čiech ako píšeš, alebo píšete, tak odkiaľ pochádzate, alebo pochádzáš ?
Všetky vaše, alebo Tvoje videá s radosťou pozerám.
So srdečným pozdravom Milan
Thank you, Milan, I’m half Czech and just back from a family visit in Lomnice nad Popelkou.