How journaling can help you get clear on and reach your goals

How journaling can help you get clear on and reach your goals

How journaling can help you get clear on and reach your goals Whether is to be a happy and fulfilled mom, to boost my business or to get a creative project out in the world, the most helpful tool for me is journaling. Now I don’t mean the ‘dear diary, today I ate...
How to make a pandemic proof plan

How to make a pandemic proof plan

How to make a pandemic proof plan Some of you commented that you don’t dare to make plans for the new year in the fear of being disappointed. I don’t want to get political (and am removing political comments in this community), but we can all agree that we’re living...
Do new year plans make you feel overwhelmed? Try this!

Do new year plans make you feel overwhelmed? Try this!

Do new year plans make you feel overwhelmed? Try this! You guys are probably fun creative people overflowing with brilliant ideas If so, making a plan for the new year might make you feel even more overwhelmed and pressured than you already are. Now I’ve found a great...
What does success look like for YOU?

What does success look like for YOU?

What does success look like for YOU? Some behind the scenes glamour: I unfolded my video gear from under the bed to shoot squeezed between laundry with Louise’s high chair as laptop stand. I’m filming during Tristan’s nap and while Louise and Victor are on a playdate....
There’s always time for the things that are really important

There’s always time for the things that are really important

There’s always time for the things that are really important At the moment I’m about to give birth, we’re buying a house (more on that soon 🥁), we’re making our apartment ready for sale, my husband is switching jobs, my business is running as always and...