FREE Violin Lesson #35 FIRST MINOR SCALE B minor 2 octaves
Minor scale tutorial for beginner violinists
I cover some music theory about the difference between major and minor and how to play it:
Learn the 2-octave b minor scale on the violin
I explain the fingerings in minor, so you understand how to play it as a beginner violinist. This video lesson contains a play along with violin tabs, sheet music, and piano accompaniment.
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Video lesson content:
01:42 how to know which sharps and flats to play in minor keys
02:41 harmonic and melodic minor explanation
04:05 play through with an explanation of the B minor 2-octave scale
09:17 play along with violin tabs, sheet music, and piano accompaniment
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I take you from scratch step by step to your first violin concerto including 40 videos, sheet music and violin tabs.

Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
This violin lesson is part of my FREE beginner course that takes you from scratch to playing your first violin concerto and beyond.
This is a complete course including videos, sheet music, violin tabs, and more.
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