7 Different Violin Techniques to Play Loud and Soft | Violin Lounge TV #443
Improve the dynamic range on your violin by learning these 7 ways to play loud and soft:
Play expressively and create different sound colors by improving your dynamic range
These 7 different violin techniques to play loud and soft all have their own sound
#1 Position and String
For the same note a high position on a lower string has a softer and warmer tone. You choose your fingering not only based on what’s handy, but also to create the sound quality you want.
#2 Bow Speed
How much of the bow you use for a certain note determines the bow speed: the speed with which the bow travels over the string. the higher the speed, the louder you sound.
#3 Bow Distribution
Playing at the frog sounds louder than at the tip. Base your choices in bow distribution on how you want certain notes to sound.
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Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
#4 Bow Tilt
Tilting your bow determines how much hair you use for a certain note. When the stick of your bow is right above the hair, you use all the hair. When you tilt the bow in the direction of the scroll, you’ll use just the side of the hair and sound softer.
#5 Weight
The more weight of your arm you transfer into the bow, the louder you’ll sound. Using pressure can muffle the tone a bit as the bow and violin can’t resonate as well.
#6 Contact Point
The contact point is the place where the bow touches the string between the bridge and the fingerboard. Near the bridge, the violin will sound loud and glassy. Near the fingerboard, the violin will sound softer and mellower. Watch my video all about contact points and how to use them for your musical expression.
#7 Note length
Using bowing techniques like staccato and spiccato the notes are not played in their full length. For example when the bow jumps above the string, there’s no sound. This will automatically be perceived as a softer sound than sustained notes like detaché and tenuto.
Which technique was new for you?
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I really appreciate this video Zlata, thank you very much, I need to work on dynamics , so thank you , your so very kind and helpful, kind regards Sandra
Happy it’s helpful, Sandra!
Thank you.
I use weight and bow speed to change dynamics.
My previous teacher said that tilt the bow is just for an action to give dramatic video/screen effect, but watching your video I know that tilting the bow is to produce different dynamics.
No I know other ways to do it.
Thank you.