What Course should you Choose if you want to be my Private Student?
Do you want to me to be your teacher?
I’d love to help you overcome your technical struggles and play the violin with feeling
I get asked a lot what course is most suitable for you if you’ve watched my free stuff and are interested in becoming my student.
Online learning in music? No way!
We’ve been trained to think that one-on-one is the highest level of learning with it comes to music, but let me tell you technology has made it so that we learn even better online.
I’ve owned a violin studio with four teachers for over twelve years. Once I started making videos, creating online programs and specialising in bowing technique, tone creation, vibrato and playing the violin with feeling, I discovered something remarkable.
My students learn better online than offline!
Especially when we talk about bowing techniques, it’s important that you have access to the lessons 24/7. To really apply them and play with expression, it’s important that you can do so comfortably on your own. Yes, you can ask questions or send a video for feedback, but these sensitive skills need the right time and space to be developed.
As a teacher I’m better in a program. I’ve done years of research and preparations and have created the curriculum very carefully. You see only my very best explanations and structure. I would NEVER be able to teach like that on the spot.
You can learn to play the violin with feeling in home and at your own time!
To get to know me, I offer hundreds of free violin lessons. To dip your toe in the water of learning with me, I offer the short and cheap course ‘Upgrade your Violin Bow Technique’ at iClassical Academy.
If you really feel we’re a fit and you want my personal guidance as my VIP student, join my life’s work Bow like a Pro.
My free video lessons
On this website you can find over 300 free violin lessons. I add a new one every Wednesday.
Suitable for all levels as I make videos on different topics.
- It’s free
- It’s weekly
- Short simple tutorials to improve all areas of your violin playing
- Great to dip your toe in the water, see if you like my style and perhaps you want to become my student
- ‘Just’ a video
- No step by step curriculum
- No personal guidance except that I’m active in the comment section
- No feedback
- No accountability
- Yup, everything costs time and money to make… I need to sell paid stuff to keep making the free stuff. If you like and support my work, you can do so by enrolling in my paid programs.
Upgrade your Violin Bow Technique
So honoured to make this course for the beautiful iClassical Academy!
Aimed at intermediate violinists, but we start with the basics, so it’s very useful for beginners as well. You’ll have lifetime access, so you can leave the advanced stuff for later if you want.
- 11 in-depth video lessons, 11 PDFs, practically everything, from theory to good practices and exercises, to understand once and for all how your violin and bow produce sound and how you can master it to achieve your best performance
- Practice instructions, so you’ll know exactly what to do on a daily basis
- Short, sweet and simple getting you great results with just 10 minutes of daily practice
- No-brainer price! iClassical Academy has made it so accessible to learn from me
- Lifetime access
- Great way to get to know how I teach in a program before joining Bow like a Pro
- No personal guidance
- No feedback
- It’s a short course, so great for short term results, but you might want to learn more after that (and luckily that’s possible in Bow like a Pro)
Bow like a Pro
Unique program to learn ALL about bowing technique, tone creation, vibrato and expressing yourself in music with the violin
The program is made to be complete. This means that you’ve got lifetime access to a curriculum covering EVERYTHING from the very basics of bowing to bow technique in the big repertoire of romantic concerts and Paganini caprices and everything in between.
This is an investment for life and it costs less than a year of lessons at your local violin studio or music school.
- Hundreds of video lessons, sheet music, practice plans and more. It’s ever expanding
- EVERYTHING you can think of about bowing technique, tone production, vibrato and playing the violin with feeling
- Step by step curriculum with guidance: you won’t get lost or overwhelmed as I help you find exactly the lessons and exercises that benefit you most
- Suitable for all levels: from beginner to professional and even beyond, because a lot of things I didn’t even learn at the conservatory
- Lessons by me and the guest teacher team
- Unlimited personal guidance (and yes, that’s lifetime!)
- Feedback on your playing (you can send in videos)
- Answers to your questions (you’re my VIP student and you can ask away… lifetime!)
- Accountability (I’ll guide you through the program and make sure you stay motivated and get results)
- Investment for life
- You get my course Free your Vibrato for free
- Future additions and updates at no additional cost
Hands down this is the best guidance I can offer you, but of course you still have to practice ;).

Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
So what’s best for YOU?
Bow like a Pro is hands down the best way I can help violin players of ALL levels, who want to improve their bowing, tone, vibrato and expression. So if you like my style of teaching and feel we’re a fit, I’m thrilled to help you.
However, you might want to dip your toe in the water and my free videos and short course Upgrade your Violin Bow Technique are the ways to go.
Of course you can always send an e-mail to info@violinlounge.com explaining your specific situation. I only want students who really benefit from my teaching and get great results, so I’ll give you very honest advice.