What to do if the Air is to Dry for your Violin? | Violin Lounge TV #234

by | May 26, 2016 | Maintenance | 0 comments

If the humidity in the air is too low, there is a risk that your violin tears itself apart. Because of the dry air, the wood of the soundbox can shrink.

To keep your violin in a good condition and maintain it’s beautiful sound, you should take care of the humidity and temperature in your practice room or in your violin case.

The first step is to measure the humidity. That’s why a lot of violin cases have a hygrometer in them. However, some cases don’t have one and some hygrometers don’t work. Click here to buy a separate hygrometer.

When you conclude that the air is too dry, a simple solution is to put a moistener or humidifier in your violin case. Click here to buy a violin humidifier.

If you want to control the humidity in your whole practice room and not just in your violin case, there are mist humidifiers that you can use for your room. Click here to see the one I use in my violin shop and buy it. Of course don’t place the humidifier right next to your violin, but keep it at distance or the violin will become too moist.

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PS: Do you have questions or struggles on violin or viola playing? Post a comment below or send an e-mail to info@violinlounge.com and I might dedicate a Violin Lounge TV episode to answering your question!





  1. 5 Tips if your Violin Strings go Out of Tune too Often | Violin Lounge TV #245 - Violin Lounge - […] Click here to watch my video about what to do when the air is too dry for your violin.…

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