5 Tips for Beautiful Pianissimo Bowing at the Tip | Violin Lounge TV #285
How to make a soft sound without bow shakes at the tip
Play softly with core, resonance and smooth bow changes
Tip 1: Relax your right arm
A lot of people tend to lift the bow when they want to play softly, but this can cause bow shakes. Make sure that you relax your right shoulder, arm and hand. To make the sound not superficial, transfer some weight from your arm through your index finger into the bow.
A trembling bow is mostly caused by a tensed right shoulder. In the video I show you an exercise to find the natural position of your shoulder.
Tip 2: Use all the bow hair
At the tip you should use all the bow hair, meaning that the bow shouldn’t be tilted. Make sure that the stick is right above the hair. Also take care that your bow is rosined until the extreme tip, so you can make sound with the whole bow.
Tip 3: Make a sound with core
Yes, you have to play softly, but still you want a tone that speaks and has a core. You don’t want a superficial sound. The trick to creating a sound with character is to use weight from your arm in combination with a lower bow speed. In the video I show you what I mean by that.
Tip 4: Move your bow closer to the fingerboard
Do you want to create an even softer sound, move your bow closer to the fingerboard or bow above the fingerboard. In the video I demonstratie that this makes a big difference. Using a different contact point is mostly overlooked.
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Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
Tip 5: Don’t bow straight 😉
What!? Yup, at the extreme tip you can ’round of’ the bow change and smoothen it by bowing not entirely straight. However, this should be a conscious choice and not a matter of lacking technique.
Tip number one abd four are encouraging.
Thanks for your comment, Margret!
Thank You! I am most helped by learning how to make a beautiful and quality tone – you describe it as having a core.
Great, Sue, good luck implementing that in your practice.