Sep 8, 2013 | Play Comfortably
In this episode I comment on a video sent in by a viewer who wants to improve her vibrato as a beginner violinist I’ll teach you how to loosen up your wrist, so you can create a beautiful sounding vibrato and control it’s tempo In this blog, I will answer the question...
Aug 14, 2013 | Play Comfortably
What to do if you are too tensed to play the violin? What if some unfortunate events happen and you are completely stressed out and too tensed to play the violin? Has it ever happened to you that you are too tensed to play the violin or cannot find the time to...
Feb 10, 2013 | Beautiful Tone
Less effort, more tone Tone is already there in your violin, you just have to release it… don’t force it! Just yesterday I had a private student. She started to play violin at the age of three and was pressured from the very first lesson. As she was...