Violin Lessons with Concert Violinist Anastasiia Mazurok

Learn all about bowing technique, phrasing and expressing yourself on the violin with Anastasiia
Concert violinist Anastasiia Mazurok is guest teacher in my program Bow like a Pro
Since her orchestra debut at the age of thirteen Anastasiia tours the world as an upcoming violin virtuoso. She is a prize-winner at various international competitions. She graduated with honors from the Rimsky Korsakov musical college of Saint-Petersburg and now studies at the famous Juilliard School in New York.
In Bow like a Pro Anastasiia teaches about the various aspects of bowing technique and vibrato from the view of the Russian school and her experience as a prize-winning soloist
High level bowing technique and tone creation on the violin are learnable skills
All violin players can learn the techniques and apply them in beautiful music, expressing their emotions through the violin. You just need to know the exact steps to get there from the level you’re currently at.
Bow like a Pro is a beautiful place online where you can go anytime you want for step by step lessons and detailed practice plans to learn all possible bowing techniques, create a beautiful tone and express yourself through your music. Enrolling gives you lifetime access to an ever expanding online violin school, where you can focus on HOW you play instead of WHAT you play to boost your current practice routine and lessons.
Click here to read more and enroll!
Improve your violin bowing technique
Enjoy my FREE mini Masterclass 5 Bowing Secrets to Create a Professional Sound on the Violin