Violin Blog
learn new violin music and improve your playing
by Zlata
Do well-behaved children make music or does music make well-behaved children?
How music lessons can help children better regulate their nervous systems, so they can thrive in life
Bariolage Violin Bowing Technique Explained with Examples
Bariolage is a technique that involves going very quickly back and forth between two adjacent strings, usually playing a melody and a bass
Collé violin bow stroke explained + 3 exercises
Collé is a technique where the fingers and wrist make a circular motion resulting in an active, off-the-string bow stroke with a firm sound.
Top 20 Violin and Cello Duets
Discover the most beautiful pieces for violin and cello duo. They are ranked from easy to hard, so there’s something for everyone:
16 Best Violin Bows in 2024: Ultimate Buying Guide for the Right Violin Bow
What to look for when buying a violin bow and the 16 best violin bow recommendations and reviews by a violin teacher:
18 Violin Etude Books in Order of Difficulty
Violin etudes help you study new techniques and get progress on the violin to play the music you love. Here are 18 violin etude books:
The Violin Family Explained with Video Examples
Different orchestral stringed instruments (violin, viola, cello and double bass) explained with beautiful music examples
10 Types of Baroque Dances in Violin Music with Examples
Discover how the allemande, minuet, gavotte and sarabande that you play in baroque partitas and suites were danced and how they differ:
10 Types of Violin Pieces with Examples
What’s a violin concerto, caprice, etude or sonata? Discover different types of violin music with examples: