2 Violin Vibrato Myths Revealed | Violin Lounge TV # 299
Are these myths getting in the way of developing a beautiful vibrato?
Watch this video to learn what you should NOT strive for in vibrato:
Violin Vibrato Myth nr 1: Continuous vibrato
Today’s ideal in violin playing is that you vibrate continously from one note to the other or ‘through the fingers’.
However, if you record any violinist doing vibrato and play it slow motion, you’ll see a stop of the vibrato at the transition from one finger to another.
But… if you listen, it sounds LIKE it’s a continuous vibrato. What happens?
Technically a continuous vibrato isn’t possible. What we want to strive for is the suggestion and sound of a continuous vibrato.
Yup, it’s a myth, a bit silimar to silent bow changes and 5 other bowing myths I mention in this video.
Play long notes, keep vibrating and strive for the SOUND of a continuous vibrato. Vibrate through the fingers, position shifts, bow changes and string crossings.
Side note:
In the baroque era vibrato was more an ornament and not a standard way of playing. If you want to play music from any era in an expressive and tasteful way, don’t use vibrato on autopilot. Adjust your vibrato to the emotion you want to express, the notes you want to emphasize and the phrasing.
Do you know only ONE speed or type of vibrato? Then it’s time expand your vibrato palette. Sign up for my free mini masterclass on the right.
Learn a Beautiful Vibrato on the Violin
Join this free mini Mini Masterclass

Hi! I'm Zlata
Classical violinist helping you overcome technical struggles and play with feeling by improving your bow technique.
Violin Vibrato Myth nr 2: Vibrato is only below the pitch
“Vibrato around the pitch will sound like a drunk donkey”
Myth busted… smart peeps have researched that vibrato is around the note.
Do you only do vibrato exercises that move the pitch down and back up again? Your vibrato can get more beautiful if you practice downward motions as well as upward motions. This makes your vibrato more lush and expressive.
There are many vibrato exercises, but in the video above I’ll show you two slow motion exercises that improve your downward as well as upward vibrato movement. Combining these two movements in your vibrato expands your possibilities in sound and expression.
If your vibrato is too fast or too narrow, take some time to find out how your vibrato movement looks like. Perhaps it’s only below or only above the note. Moving around the note, can make your vibrato sound more lush, full and romantic.
Let me know in the comments below which violin vibrato myth surprised you most!
Welcome back and you looked like a lovely bride. He also looks very handsome as well.
May the two of you live the rest of your lives loving each other and IN love with each other as well.
Become best friends more and more as your years go on 🙂
Oh yeah, and thanks for this video 😉 LOL.
Thank you, Sherylin!
You briefly mentioned how silent bow changes are also a myth. I’ve been told that is what I should strive for. It does seem impossible. Can you give a short lesson on smooth bow changes sometime?
Hi Lisa, perhaps this video with 5 tips to bow smoothly is useful to you: https://violinlounge.com/5-tips-to-bow-smoothly-on-the-violin-violin-lounge-tv-284/ Let me know in the comments if that’s useful or if you want me to make a video that goes deeper into the bow changes. All the best, Zlata
To practice the vibrato the vibrato in both downward and upward motions is new for me. I just started to use the vibrato and itis still a heavy wall I have tobreak down. Your video’s help a lotto visualise the movements of the fingers for myself.
Glad it’s helpful, Thisbe! The trick is to practice all sorts of movements and then it will start to click.