Learn to Play Violin with my FREE Online Violin Lessons
A complete STEP by STEP course with my beginner book, scales, etudes and pieces
From Scratch to your First Violin Concerto… Guaranteed!
Hi there, you’re probably here after watching one of my YouTube videos!
The video you watched is part of my free beginner course
Sign up for FREE here and get:
- 40 video violin lessons
- my beginner violin book
- a free etude book by Wohlfahrt
- 2 easy violin concertos
- more free sheet music
- tons of handy resources
Learn to Play Violin with my FREE Online Violin Lessons
A complete STEP by STEP course with my beginner book, scales, etudes and pieces
From Scratch to your First Violin Concerto… Guaranteed!
Hi there, you’re probably here after watching one of my YouTube videos!
The video you watched is part of my free beginner course
Sign up for FREE here and get:
- all video lessons
- my beginner book
- 5 free etude books
- sheet music library for all the pieces and concertos
- updates on new lessons
- more free lessons to get your violin playing to a next level